East Coast Houseboats is proud to partner with Michael Bruce and Edgewater Projects. Mikes experience around the waterfront and the level of professionalism that Mike brings to all his projects provides all who work with him and his organization a truly unparalleled experience.
Edgewater is a specialized maritime consulting firm offering hands-on-project support tailored to each client and project. Edgewater provides an array of maritime consulting services ranging from initial site assessment and concept development through design and construction management. With over 20 years of project experience working with key players in the maritime industry, we offer access to strategic contracts and resources necessary to deliver unparalleled project support.
Their services include:
- U.S. Army Corp & State Permitting
- Marina Planning, Design, and Cost Estimating
- Pile Supported Piers & Wharves
- Bulkheads & Seawall Design
- Floating Buildings
- Tidal Flood & Shoreline Protection
- Mooring & Fender System Design
- Above & Underwater Inspections
- Project & Construction Management Services
To learn more visit their website at Edgewater Projects (edgewater-projects.com) or contact Mike directly at [email protected].